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Watcom C/C++* by:

Sybase, Inc
415 Phillip Street
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3X2
Tel:  800-395-3525
Fax:  519-747-4971

Tool: Watcom C/C++*
Category: Application Development: Compilers/Debuggers
Powersoft Corporation has announced a commitment to deliver a version of Watcom C/C++ that supports Intel’s new MMX™ technology. This support will enable development of lightning fast applications that exploit the capabilities of the MMX instruction set and that leverage the industry-leading optimization technology of Watcom C/C++. Watcom C/C++ will feature complete debugging support (including register display and the disassembly of MMX instructions) as well as a functional interface from C/C++ that generates in-line MMX instructions.

Key Pentium® II processor features/performance benefit
Features Benefits
Inline assembly MMX instruction support Single step MMX instruction integration into C code
Disassemble MMX instructions Debug while looking directly at MMX instructions
MMX technology registers window See the MMX technology registers displayed in the flat register model
Product and Contact Information
Availability of Product Contact
Now! Watcom C/C++ 11.0

26 August 1997

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation